Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Don't Let Your Own Yard Work Result in an Urgent Care Center Visit

With all the leaves falling during autumn, you’re bound to spend lots of time handling yard work this season. As with any physical chore, however, there is always a risk of injury. Lift something the wrong way and your back might give out; if you’re not mindful, you might trip on a garden tool; rake leaves non-stop and you might strain a back muscle.

If you want to avoid an unexpected visit to a San Jose urgent care center, take heed of these simple gardening safety tips.

Wear Safety Gear

Many gardening-related injuries can be prevented by just wearing the proper gear. For instance, wearing gloves will protect your fingers from pesky cuts, splinters or thorns. If you’re chopping wood or trimming branches, donning safety glasses will prevent debris from flying into your eyes. Read more from this blog:

Friday, September 30, 2016

Urgent Care Centers in San Jose Advise on How to Deal with Asthma

The San Jose Walks and Talks is an organization that holds tours for students, local residents, and tourists alike. The goal of this organization is to educate the public about the rich cultural heritage of the city, traced back to its Spanish and Mexican roots.

Visitors who are enjoined to take the tour should be aware that a lot of walking is involved in this activity. During the summer, the weather can be extra warm, making people more prone to dehydration. Sometimes, exhaustion can take a toll on the body, and even asthma attacks can occur.

Prevalence of Asthma in the US

Asthma is a life-long respiratory ailment that affects some 17.7 million people in the country, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports. In Santa Clara County, around 14.5% of the population for all ages have been diagnosed with lifetime asthma.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Urgent Care in San Jose Talks About the Mental Benefits of Running

This coming September 10th, the Color in Motion 5K Race in San Jose will be officially firing its gun and starting the fun. As the name of the event suggests, you can expect to have a very colorful time by the time you get to the finish line. Indeed, its activities like these that make an already fun concept even greater.

More than just giving you loads of laughter and fantastic health benefits, did you know that running is actually also good for your state of mind? An urgent care in San Jose dishes out the details on why running is good for your mental state.

Stress Reduction

Foremost among the mental benefits of running would be this: Running, they say, helps boost the serotonin levels in your brain, which then translates to a more positive mood.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Urgent Care in San Jose Gives Tips for the Upcoming Costume Fun Run

As marathons continue to be a trend among fitness buffs, events become more and more creative. Take for example this year’s Virtual Costume Party Run. Kicking off on May 19, it’s set to run until the last day of 2016, December 31.

How could a marathon take that long to finish when the course is only a mere 5K? That’s because this is a virtual event. Meaning, folks just have to register online so that they can get their “kits,” which include a Costume Party Run Trucker Hat and a “ginormous” finisher medal dubbed to be the largest ever given out for 5K finishers.

Participants can choose their own 5K anywhere within United States, so you can bring as many family and friends as you want to cheer you on.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

San Jose Urgent Care: The Importance of Hiking and Running Preparation

Only those who come prepared can finish a 5K hike and a 30-mile bike ride at The Health Trust Hike and Bike. That is why you need to condition yourself weeks prior to the event if you’re planning to conquer this challenge. Otherwise, you’re exposing yourself to safety and health risks that could bring you to a San Jose urgent care clinic instead of the finish line. You have to condition yourself and prepare everything you’d need along the way. Here are some things to remember before going on a hike and a bike ride: Strengthen Your Body To avoid injuries and over exhaustion, your body must be fit for such an arduous task. One thing you can do to improve is your stamina is to start to walk 30 to 45 minutes, three days a week, several weeks before the event.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Local Urgent Care Reminds Attendees to Wash Farmers’ Market Produce

Events like the Downtown Farmers’ Market hosted by Kaiser Permanente gives local folks an opportunity to learn more about the better food choices they actually have out there. The farmer’s market, open every Friday from 10AM to 2PM beginning on May 6th, is a great way for everyone to not only have access to the freshest, healthiest produce, but also to build and foster a sense of community with the other local attendees. Keeping Fresh Produce Fresh Of course, it’s going to be a busy day, for sure. You would want to make sure you get the best products possible from the market, and keep their quality that way even as you spend your day walking through the many different stalls. A local urgent care in San Jose reminds folks about the importance of washing your fruits and vegetables to ensure to keep them safe for food preparation.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Urgent Care Tip: Yoga Class at Studio 10 Dance Is Good for Your Health

Yoga is a frequently recommended type of physical activity because it is low-impact and has many physical, mental and spiritual benefits to anyone who practices it. If you have never tried yoga before, you might be thinking of dropping in on the Yoga Class at Studio 10 Dance to see if you like it. Before beginning any new exercise or physical activity, it is always a good idea to get your doctor's permission. Providers at an urgent care in San Jose can do a check-up to make sure that you are healthy enough to start doing yoga. Types of Yoga There are more than 100 methods of practicing yoga. These methods range from low-intensity to high-intensity workouts. Some of the most popular low-intensity methods of yoga include Hatha, Vinyasa and Ashtanga. These types of yoga are ideal for beginner students who may not have a regular exercise routine.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Too Much Walking at the Tet Festival? San Jose Urgent Care Is Here!

Each year in San Jose, many people gather for the Tet Offensive Festival, a celebration of the Vietnamese New Year. This is a fun-filled event that provides you with ample opportunity to enjoy the festivities of the New Year with your friends and family, and you can spend hours walking around and enjoying all that the festival has to offer during the New Year. Urgent care providers in San Jose urges you to take a break from time to time to prevent injury. The Tet Festival is a huge event that features live entertainment, cultural celebrations, food, drinks, vendor booths and much more, and you can easily lose track of time walking around and taking in all of the sights and sounds at the festival.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Five Ways Urgent Care Facilities Save Time and Offer Convenience Care

You're busy. You've got a job. You've got kids to drive to soccer practice. You've got groceries to buy. You may want to be one of those people who prioritize their health, but how do you find the time? The answer may be just down the road at a San Jose urgent care. You may have considered urgent care in San Jose in the past when the doctor's office was closed. Urgent care, however, is a lot more convenient than that.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Five Ways Urgent Care Services can Save Time and Offer Convenience

You're busy. You've got a job. You've got kids to drive to soccer practice. You've got groceries to buy. You may want to be one of those people who prioritize your health, but how do you find the time? The answer may be just down the road at a San Jose urgent care facility. You may have considered urgent care in San Jose in the past when the doctor's office was closed. However, urgent care is a lot more convenient than that. Here are 5 ways you may not have considered that urgent care will work for you. In urgent care facilities, appointments aren’t made. There’s no need for you or your loved one to wait until you can be checked by a medical professional. In an urgent care clinic, you can simply show up when it is convenient for you. No need to work around a doctor's schedule.